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Dr. Shuki Gleitman receives Certificates of Appreciation from Israeli Foreign Affairs

Dec 25th, 2023



Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister Mr. Eli Cohen presented (Monday, 12/25/23) certificates of appreciation to 13 businessmen and economic organizations who have been working in close cooperation with the Foreign Affairs Ministry's representations to promote the Israeli economy around the world.

The Foreign Affairs Minister emphasized that in their activities, the businessmen promote Israel's abilities to operate in the international arena and to expand its economic and commercial ties.

Foreign Affairs Minister Mr. Eli Cohen: "The activity on the international political front, which is led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, strengthens Israel's economy and the Israeli economy. This activity is reflected in the signing agreements and promoting economic delegations and at the same time in the work of Israeli businessmen and economic organizations that promote trade and investment relations worldwide and strengthen Israel's foreign relations. The businessmen and economic organizations that receive recognition today are a significant factor in Israel's connection to the world. They work, together with Israel's embassies abroad, to promote Israel's economic and political interests and relations.

The recipients of the recognition certificates:

1.      Dr. Shuki Gleitman - Chairman of the GIBF group, Chief Scientist and former Director-General of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Employment.
2.      Mr. Oshik Efrati - CEO of Home Biogas company.
3.      Mr. Ami Lustig - Owner of the LR company.
4.      Mr. Amir Rappaport - Founder and CEO of Cybertech company.
5.      Dr. Rafi Kot - Founder and CEO of Family Practice Clinic.
6.      Ms. Yasmin Lukach - Founder and CEO of the ICON NGOT association.
7.      Mr. Ofer Oved - Representative of Netafim company in Turkey.
8.      Mr. Noam Sorek - Former senior executive at MobileODT.
9.      Mr. Ofer Kerzner - Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Israel.
10.  Mr. Yitzhak (Tzachi) Israel - President of the Israel-South China Chamber of Commerce in Guangzhou and Co-Director of the consulting company, Double Win.
11.  Mr. Gad Shoshan - Chairman of the Israel-Turkey Chamber of Commerce and an executive at Ormat Technologies.
12.  The textile company Delta Galil and its founder the late Dov Lautman.
13.  Ms. Sabin Segal - Vice President for International Relations at the Israeli Export Institute.

The recipients of the certificates of appreciation were chosen in a professional procedure by a special committee at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs headed by the Deputy Director General, Yossi Dayan. This, after creating a list of candidates based on the recommendation by Israel's embassies around the world and the regional divisions in the ministry. The committee's decisions were approved by the Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ronan Levy (Maoz).